In 2003 during a meeting hosted by Families First, Chattanooga, TN, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) discussed the possibility of a marriage coalition in Houston, TX. Wilma Kirk Lee was tasked with establishing a group to form a coalition. On October, 10, 2003, the first meeting was hosted by the Center for Family Wholeness at the Berean SDA Church. The initial attendees at the meeting were: Pastor W.S. Lee, Winnie Honeywell, Albert Malveaux and Wilma Kirk Lee.
The first formal meeting for the coalition was held February 4, 2014. At that meeting, Larry McDowell, representing ACF -Region 6 and Vincent Ivory, representing the Texas Attorney General’s Office. Wilma Kirk Lee, Center for Family Wholeness, was selected as chair and Winnie Honeywell, Houston-Galveston Diocese, agreed to be the secretary. A subsequent ACF Conference hosted by Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church attracted additional members.
The years from 2005-2007 the coalition grew and developed Initiatives to represent the diversity of the community: African-American, Hispanic, Asian-American, and Immigrants. Black Marriage Day was first celebrated in 2006. Curricula training were held to support organizations providing services to families: Active Communication, Exploring Relationships and Marriage in Fragile Families, Outreach to adolescents.
October 1, 2006 was a milestone for the coalition when an ACF healthy marriage grant was received. The grant was for five years for $500,000 per year to provide marriage education in the Greater Houston area.
The multi-cultural marriage retreat, a unique feature of the Houston Healthy Marriage Coalition, was offered in 2007. This retreat offered marriage strengthening to 120 couples: 40 African-American, 40 Chinese language; 40 Spanish language, and 40 couples who were in marriages that either had differing language or ethnicity. The first retreat held in September was filled to capacity and had a waiting list for subsequent years.
The coalition has sought to remain current with the changing needs of families in the communities of Houston. Its role has changed from direct service provider to resource provider for family friendly organizations in the Greater Houston area.